Thursday, August 28, 2008

Humility and Submission

Humility and Submission are oft charged and misunderstood words.

Some years ago, I worked with groups of women assisting them in their "empowerment". It was a big word back then (perhaps it is still) and when, in the course of their self-exploration, the concepts of being humble or heaven forbid submissive, came up, the sparks would fly!!!

Still, there is a very sweet and feminine nature to humility and submission. Not a female nature, but a feminine, yielding, allowing or opening way of being. Little by little most of the women embraced the sweetness of these concepts.

These thoughts came to me recently as I thought of how less controlling and less striving my life has become. I share them here.

I will not beat myself into submission

I submit

I will only do what I know to do

What I don't do -- isn't

and then, this prayer emerged ----

I humble myself before you

I ask your help in all things

I put myself in your hands

My authentic self bows before you

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