Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Playing Big and Showing Up

I've heard these terms many times. Usually, I heard them yelled at me in a staff meeting or during a therapy group. "PLAY BIG!!" "SHOW UP!". Like a challenge or a demand.

Recently, I eperienced playing big and showing up from a more gentle perspective. I found when "I "do my nearest duty" as Goethe recommends, I am showing up and I am playing big. Because I stretch myself. Like in the prayer of Jabez, I "expand my territory". 

When this happens, I have more space to receive and isn't that what abundance is all about?? So Play Big, Show Up for you!!! Do Your nearest duty for you!!! Life is about being not doing. Be You! You will receive as you give. 

Ways I "showed up" this week. Helped someone find her car in a parking lot
complimented a grocery store checker
Asked for what I wanted in a restaurant
Sent that email I'd been putting off
Said yes to adventure when it arrived on my doorstep

and the list goes on. Small looking and sounding things, but they all stretch me and in stretching bigger, expanding my territory. I am able to receive the abundance around me. No one can fit more apples in a bushel that is already full. Eat a few apples. Let more come in.


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