Friday, August 14, 2009

Poorer and Poorer

The following was written about six or eight months ago. Since that time, much has happened. I am working on a post concerning a town hall meeting I attended this week and will follow this post with that one. Enjoy this one until then.

In gratitude for all that is

Our Society seems to becoming poorer and poorer in monetary means and in spirit.

Doing poorly, they used to say about someone who had been ill and wasn't quite recovering.

Yes, doing poorly.

I would always envision a chakey face, trembling body and dour nature. Not a pretty sight to a young fresh kid.

Later as I became older I learned what holding a hand can do and I learned to give in ways I'd never known.

I was an ardent volunteer, always able to imagine something better. I knew change could happen, because I'd been through adolescent and insanity and having children and all kinds of changes.

I knew it was possible. Change really does happen as you get older.

I believe we can breathe the life back into our world by simply being who we are.

Being "real" and being.

It's a tough assignment as I look all around at the death and decay and fear and anger and all that is happening in our external world.

Sometimes, I think. I don't have to do this much longer, because I'm pretty old already and it's the ones who come after me that will really have to knuckle down and survive.

But, then I remember that we are all one and so in a way, it will be me doing it anyway. Guess we really are all in the together.

And as I think on that, it comforts me to know we are just learning and learning is sometimes difficult. Bring on the lessons!

I kick back when I need a break, but I’m always glad to get back in the fray! It's my way of being me. Inquisitive, energetic, respectful, and quick. Like a squirrel. (Not sure how they are respectful, but I think they are. )

Ever see two squirrels meet on a telephone wire, each one going in the opposite direction? It is quite the acrobatic show, but somehow they work it out.

I think we as individuals are like that. At times when we meet others of our own kind in a sort of acrobatic maneuvering of positions until cooperation leads us to the beauty of life..

Like a dance we sort things out and allow each to win. We pass by and we continue on our journey.


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