Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My Grandmother’s Old China Cabinet

To Combine The Old With The New Creates A New Life - sm

My Grandmother on my Father’s side was Swedish. Her name was Jennie and she came to America from Sweden when she was only 17. The cabinet stood in a corner of her house and I remember it from over 60 years ago. I will keep her cabinet and I will not forget her. It reminds me of a time before and I will fill it and use it as a time of now. I will keep it alive the way a person keeps a plant alive. My Mother filled it with crystal and silver and glass and treasures of her liking. I will not fill the cabinet with hoarded treasure. I will put new things in it. I will use it to hold things that reflect the present, not the past. In that way, I will continue to honor my Grandmother’s spirit. She had the adventure of the new. And I will fill it with beautiful things too. The treasuring of the beautiful is a good combination of my grandmother, my mother and my self.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To my sister in Christ, my friend by choice, and my cousin by berth, I say. It is very early in the morning, the day after. Yesterday was another step in my journey of life, another emotion surfaced, another experience lived, a much needed awareness that I am worthy because I exist. I have just read your email and for the first time noticed your various blogs (I hope that is the proper word)I scanned through all of them and was deeply touched by what I saw. I want you to know that when I feel I am getting lost, with the assistance of readings/comments such as I found in your writings, my personal four room house, rooms that are physical, mental, emotional and spiritual need to be used every day even if only to keep them aired. I strive to eliminate rear view mirrors in my existence as they only reflect what is behind me. I choose rather to visualize a Crystal Ball which illuminates my future, lighting the way, and I know my Crystal Ball will shine only if I live in the now, living each moment in fullness. Thank you Jo, for your challenging life words on these pages. Perhaps next time you are up this way visiting your daughter we can spend a day together, just you and I. Not to look in our rear view mirrors but to polish our crystal balls together, sharing our beliefs, our opinions, our thoughts. It is sometime in listening we learn and sometimes in speaking we hear. God bless you. Donna Lee